The Conference is a unique opportunity to visit the French Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) facility which will be completed at the end of 2014 at CEA/Cesta near Bordeaux.
A visit of the LMJ will be organized on May, Wednesday 14th, 2014. The transportation will be organized by HEDLA 2014.
If you wish to participate to the visit of the LMJ, you must register. HEDLA 2014 participants and accompanying persons should download and fill in the LMJ-Tour registration form DOC or PDF. Send it back by email to together with a copy of your ID.
Crédit CEA
The registration dealine for the LMJ-Tour is March, Saturday 1st, 2014 (see the tab "important dates").
*** Important remarks: ***
1)- Any missing information in the registration form for the Tour, or the absence of the copy of your ID in the email, will preclude your participation to the visit of the Laser MegaJoule (LMJ),
2)- You should have your original ID with you for the visit of the LMJ (this includes French and non-French citizens).
3) The number of persons allowed for this visit is limited for security reasons.